Ron Goldman, EdD

To Know or Not to Know: That Has Been the Question

Ron Goldman has performed in numerous Public radio broadcasts, including specially adapted versions of A Child's Christmas in Wales, A Christmas Carol Alice in Wonderland, Murder in the Rue Morgue, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and Hecuba.

After training with Shakespeare and Company, Ron wrote (with Marjorie Zohn) Interplay-- a one person play depicting a psychotherapist’s interactions with a Shakespearean actor. Ron has performed the play in Boston, Santa Fe (at the Creativity and Madness Conference), St. Louis and at Shakespeare and Company.

Presentation Preview

Psychoanalysis and theater have common roots. Both are engaged in the same enterprise: studying and revealing human nature. While developing his theories, Freud took inspiration from playwrights such as Sophocles and Shakespeare.

This presentation dramatizes the struggle of a young child who through his adulthood tries to avoid acknowledging the intense feelings of profound loss that pervade his family. However, with time, internal and external forces compel him to confront these emotions, and we witness the positive outcomes.

This story highlights the transformative power of self-reflection and the importance of acknowledging and confronting our deepest emotions. The play reminds us that while avoidance and denial may seem like viable options in the short term, they ultimately hinder our growth and development. Instead, embracing vulnerability and confronting difficult emotions can lead to profound personal growth and a greater understanding of the human experience.